Fine Arts
John Gorecki, band & choir
Nichole Christison, art
Deana Moore, drama
SVHS offers four levels of art that focus on the techniques and media involving various art forms, an appreciation of the uses of art in American society, ceramics and sculpture, 2D and 3D mediums.
The band program at SVHS includes a year-round concert band, award-winning Marching Storm, extra-curricular Jazz Band, and basketball pep band. In the band program students have a variety of performance opportunities and work to hone their musical skills in individual, small group, and large ensemble settings.
Our choral program offers two ensembles - a core Concert Choir that meets daily and the extracurricular Valley Voices, an auditioned group that meets twice each week. In choir at SVHS, students are given the opportunity to improve their singing, expose them to different cultures, and express their creativity.
Our Theater program offers a daily class taught by Mrs. Moore as well as a Fall Play produced each November.
Each year in early spring, SVHS celebrates our fine arts students with the Prism concert.
Like a real prism reflects the many different colors, this concert showcases the talents of our students in art, band, choir, dance, drama, and color guard. The concert is a fun, family-friendly evening with a different theme each year.
Our next Prism concert will be on Friday, March 7, 2025.