Exterior photo of Sangamon Valley Intermediate School

Sangamon Valley

Intermediate School

Kristina Sommer

Michelle Schall

Intermediate School News

SVI Principal Kristina Sommer

Principal’s Welcome

Welcome to Sangamon Valley Intermediate School! Our mission is to be a safe and nurturing community which encourages students to show respect for themselves and others by taking responsibility for their academic and social well-being. 

We seek to empower students with knowledge and experiences that help them achieve success in school and in life.  To learn, students need to be actively engaged in the process. We know the children of our community have great potential, and it requires every individual in their lives to purposefully work together for their success. “No significant learning occurs without a significant relationship” (Comer 2004). Clear communication between home and school is important to the success of our educational program. 

We look forward to working with you and your child and to a wonderful, productive school year filled with rich academic experiences.  We appreciate your cooperation and support, and welcome your suggestions and ideas for improvement.  Welcome the SVI Storm family! 

Kristina Sommer, SVI Principal

Our mission is to provide a safe and nurturing community which encourages students to show respect for themselves and others by taking responsibility for their academic and social well-being.

Sangamon Valley Intermediate School

341 Matilda St, Illiopolis, IL 62539

Phone: (217) 486-7521
Fax: (217) 486-5601
