February 19, 2025 Regular Meeting

Call to Order

President Stephanie Guerrero called the February meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.  Board members present were: Jessica Browning, Lori Campbell, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, and Jeff Stahl. Absent: Matt Wood.


Also present: Superintendent Jonathan Field, Sangamon Valley High School Principal Kyline Burge, Sangamon Valley Middle School Principal Jonathan Downing, Sangamon Valley Intermediate Principal Kristina Sommer, and Sangamon Valley Primary Interim Principal Bethany Wellbaum.

Pledge to the Flag

Mrs. Burge led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.


President Stephanie Guerrero recognized and welcomed the visitors.  Visitors present were Denise Puckett, Juan Calixto, Gretchen Cromwell, Krystle Miller, Dane Miller.

Mrs. Sommer presented the Board with the Eye on the Storm update.

Executive Session

Jeff Stahl moved and Josh Hilbert seconded the motion to enter closed session at 6:04 p.m. for the reasons stated on the agenda. Roll Call vote: Ayes-Jessica Browning, Lori Campbell, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, and Jeff Stahl.  All voted in favor.  Motion carried.

Closed Session Adjournment

Josh Hilbert moved and Jessica Browning seconded the motion to re-enter open session at 6:55 p.m. Roll Call vote: Ayes-Jessica Browning, Lori Campbell, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, and Jeff Stahl.  All voted in favor.  Motion carried.

Closed Session Minutes

Jessica Browning moved and Lori Campbell seconded the motion to accept the closed session minutes as read in closed session.  Roll Call vote: Ayes-Jessica Browning, Lori Campbell, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, and Jeff Stahl.  All voted in favor.  Motion carried.


Jeff Stahl moved and Lori Campbell seconded the motion to appoint Bethany Wellbaum as Sangamon Valley Primary School Principal effective January 24, 2025. Roll Call vote: Ayes-Jessica Browning, Lori Campbell, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, and Jeff Stahl.  All voted in favor.  Motion carried.


Jessica Browning moved and Lori Campbell seconded the motion to employ Kyler Gentry as a volunteer strength and conditioning coach effective immediately. Roll Call vote: Ayes-Jessica Browning, Lori Campbell, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, and Jeff Stahl.  All voted in favor.  Motion carried.


Martha Leeper moved and Stephanie Guerrero seconded the motion to accept the resignation of Hilda Rice as Sangamon Valley Primary School Principal effective January 30, 2025. Roll Call vote: Ayes-Jessica Browning, Lori Campbell, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, and Jeff Stahl.  All voted in favor.  Motion carried.


Josh Hilbert moved and Jeff Stahl seconded the motion to accept the resignation of Crystal Lappe as Middle School Assistant Basketball Coach effective at the end of the season. Roll Call vote: Ayes-Jessica Browning, Lori Campbell, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, and Jeff Stahl.  All voted in favor.  Motion carried.

Consent Agenda

Lori Campbell moved and Martha Leeper seconded the motion to approve the consent agenda as presented.  Roll Call vote: Ayes-Jessica Browning, Lori Campbell, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, and Jeff Stahl.  All voted in favor.  Motion carried.

IASB Report

President Guerrero presented an IASB update to the Board.

Principal’s Report

Mr. Downing shared a building report.

Superintendent’s Report

Dr. Field discussed the following items with the Board:

  • FOIA Requests

    • IL Retired Teachers’ Association

  • Strategic Planning Event March 15

  • Racino Update

  • Playground Update

  • Illiopolis Clean-up Day June 21, 2025

  • SVP/SVHS Heating issues

  • Asbestos abatement at SVHS


Jessica Browning moved and Lori Campbell seconded the motion to adopt a memorandum of agreement with SVEA to add two paid assistant MS track coaching positions as presented. Roll Call vote: Ayes-Jessica Browning, Lori Campbell, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, and Jeff Stahl.  All voted in favor.  Motion carried.

Asst. MS Track Coach

Lori Campbell moved and Josh Hilbert seconded the motion to employ Trisha Hildebrandt as an assistant middle school track coach effective immediately.  Roll Call vote: Ayes-Jessica Browning, Lori Campbell, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, and Jeff Stahl.  All voted in favor.  Motion carried.

Asst. MS Track Coach

Jessica Browning moved and Jeff Stahl seconded the motion to employ Kathy Benton as an assistant middle school track coach effective immediately. Roll Call vote: Ayes-Jessica Browning, Lori Campbell, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, and Jeff Stahl.  All voted in favor.  Motion carried.

Teacher Evaluations

Martha Leeper moved and Josh Hilbert seconded the motion to adopt a memorandum of agreement with SVEA regarding teacher evaluations at Sangamon Valley Primary School as presented. Roll Call vote: Ayes-Jessica Browning, Lori Campbell, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, and Jeff Stahl.  All voted in favor.  Motion carried.

Officials Pay

Jeff Stahl moved and Lori Campbell seconded the motion to increase officials’ pay for the FY 2025-2026 as presented. Roll Call vote: Ayes-Jessica Browning, Lori Campbell, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, and Jeff Stahl.  All voted in favor.  Motion carried.

Band Trip

Jessica Browning moved and Josh Hilbert seconded the motion to allow the High School band/choir to travel to Six Flags in Gurnee, IL on May 17, 2025 for a performance as presented.  Roll Call vote: Ayes-Jessica Browning, Lori Campbell, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, and Jeff Stahl.  All voted in favor.  Motion carried.

Next regular meeting is scheduled for March 19, 2025 at 6:00 pm.


Josh Hilbert moved and Jessica Browning seconded the motion that the meeting be adjourned at 8:01 p.m.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Meeting Agenda

  1. Call to Order

  2. Roll Call

  3. Pledge to the Flag — Mrs. Burge

  4. Recognition of Visitors

    1. Eye on the Storm

      1. SVI and SVP Collaboration — Leo Garfat

  5. Closed Session

  6. Personnel

    1. Employment

      1. Appoint interim Sangamon Valley Primary School Principal

      2. Middle School Assistant Track Coach(es)

      3. Volunteer Strength and Conditioning Coach

    2. Resignations

      1. Sangamon Valley Primary School Principal

      2. Middle School Boys’ Assistant Basketball Coach

    3. Superintendent Evaluation

  7. Consent Agenda

    1. Approval of minutes

    2. Payment of bills

    3. Cafeteria report

    4. Treasurer’s report

  8. IASB Report — President Guerrero

  9. Building Reports

    1. SVMS — Mr. Downing

  10. Superintendent’s Report

    1. FOIA Requests

      1. IL Retired Teachers’ Association

    2. Strategic Planning Event March 15

    3. Racino Update

    4. Playground Update

    5. Illiopolis Clean-up Day June 21, 2025

  11. New Business

    1. Memorandum of agreement — Assistant Track Coaching Position

    2. Memorandum of agreement — Sangamon Valley Primary School Teachers Evaluation schedule

    3. Increase officials’ pay for FY 25-26 as presented

    4. Logo permission — Nathan Highley

    5. HS Band/Choir Trip to Six Flags in Gurnee, IL May 10, 2025

    6. SVYL Baseball Facility Use Request

  12. The next regular meeting is scheduled for March 19, 2025 at 6:00 pm

  13. Adjournment


March 19, 2025 Regular Meeting


January 15, 2025 Regular Meeting