March 19, 2025 Regular Meeting

  1. Call to Order

  2. Roll Call

  3. Pledge to the Flag — Mrs. Sommer

  4. Recognition of Visitors

    1. Eye on the Storm — SVHS

      1. Andrew Bellmare, IHSA Swimming State Qualifier

      2. SVHS Scholastic Bowl — MSM Conference Champs

    2. Keith Hildebrandt — SVHS/MS Cross Country Proposal

  5. Closed Session

  6. Personnel

    1. Employment

      1. Volunteer MS Track Coach

      2. Volunteer MS/HS Track Coaches

      3. At-will SVP Paraprofessional

      4. SVP Principal FY26

    2. Renewals

      1. SVIS Principal

      2. SVMS Principal

      3. SVHS Principal

    3. Resignations

      1. SVP Music Teacher

      2. At-will SVP Paraprofessional

      3. At-will SVI Paraprofessional

  7. Consent Agenda

    1. Approval of minutes

    2. Payment of bills

    3. Cafeteria report

    4. Treasurer’s report

  8. IASB Report — President Guerrero

  9. Building Reports — SVPS, Ms. Wellbaum

  10. Superintendent’s Report

    1. ROE Student Liaison Pilot Program FY26

    2. Strategic Plan update

    3. Tuck pointing bids

    4. SVP floor scrubber failure

    5. Summer work plans

    6. SVMS gym door replacement

  11. New Business

    1. IHSA membership renewal

    2. OMNIA Purchasing Cooperative membership

    3. Playground project

    4. Board meeting schedule 2025-2026

    5. SVMS gym door replacement

    6. QNS equipment proposal for FY26

    7. Facility use request — SVMS for Post Prom

    8. HS Cross Country proposal

    9. SVHS locker room heater replacements

  12. The next regular meeting is scheduled for April 16, 2025 at 6:00 PM

  13. Adjournment


February 19, 2025 Regular Meeting