Board Meetings
October 4, 2023 Special Meeting
Special meeting held to approve superintendent’s contract.
September 20, 2023 Regular Meeting
Agenda includes district budget hearing and adoption, personnel, enrollment, maintenance grant, district audit, board policy update, table purchase, and facilities use.
September 13, 2023 Special Meeting
Minutes include executive session and tuition agreement with SVEA and Nathan Schorfheide.
August 9, 2023 Regular Meeting
Agenda includes personnel, student matters, district budget, enrollment numbers, tuition waiver, chess stipend, handbooks, facilities, and facility use requests.
July 19, 2023 Regular Meeting
Agenda items include personnel, Press Policy update, sports co-op, newsletter preview, asbestos inspection, building needs, facilities use, and newspaper subscription.
June 21, 2023 Regular Meeting
Agenda items include personnel, newsletter, district budget, fees, insurance and food service renewal, CEP, prevailing wage, and video recording.
June 7, 2023 Special Meeting
Special meeting included personnel, adoption of health insurance, and board policy updates.
May 10, 2023 Regular Meeting
Agenda items include swearing in of new members, personnel, district budget and audit, health insurance renewal, wrestling co-op, board meeting schedule, agreements with Milligan and Futures, concrete bid, and conference approval.
April 19, 2023 Regular Meeting
Agenda items include personnel, student matters, summer work, new HS sign, hiring procedures, grant funding plan, awarding of bids, IESA membership, science curriculum, Heartland agreement, and facilities use.
March 15, 2023 Regular Meeting
Agenda items include personnel, student matters, staffing needs, facility improvements, IHSA membership, technology purchase, trip approval, and facilities use requests.
February 15, 2023 Regular Meeting
Agenda items include personnel, student discipline, facility maintenance and repair, student trip approval, enrollment, Pre-K screenings, school improvement plans, basketball co-op, and calendar approval.