Storm News
News By School
March Events at SVI
Lots of fun stuff coming up in March — check out our calendar of events!
SVMS/SVI Spelling Bee
Congrats to all our amazing spellers and winners! Thank you to all the families that were able to come out.
100 Days of School
The 100th day of school was packed full of learning with a large side of silliness! You never know what you will walk into when you show up for school at SVI!
Safe Exit Procedures in Parking Lot
An important safety reminder from Dr. Field regarding the pick-up and drop-off procedures in our school parking lots.
January SVI News
Welcome back to school! Here are important dates for January coming up at SVI.
Celebrating Our Community’s Veterans
On Monday, November 11, the students, staff and community gathered to celebrate our Storm community’s Veterans and honor them with a district-wide assembly.
SVI Picture Day
Picture Day is coming up on 9/12/2024! Order before Picture Day to receive free shipping to the school.
K-5 Cheer Clinic
Cheer Clinic forms will be coming home this week. The clinic is open to all Kindergarten to 5th grade students.
Welcome Back to SV Intermediate!
Welcome to our new and returning Sangamon Valley Intermediate (SVI) families! I hope you found some time to relax in preparation for the new school year!